Testimonial Tuesday: Family Yoga!

Hot yoga power couple Mike and Aster have been practicing with us for years! Their kids even practice! Here is a little something they have to say about their practices:

I have worked out in various ways for many years - lifting, running, cross training and martial arts.  Bikram Hot Yoga has BY FAR been my most comprehensive, whole body workout by combing balance, stretching, controlled breathing and isometric movements.  It is the one routine that I hope to do well into my senior years. 
       - Mike Herring

Hot yoga has been a healing practice for me and I started back in Dec 2010. It is still a challenge EVERY TIME I show up and I learn something new almost every class. 
My favorite thing about taking classes is that it’s a 2+ hours of “me time”...no phones, no dinner questions, ‘just be quiet and do as you are told’ time. I LOVE that. 
I also love that it is something I can do for years to come and with my whole family.  
        -Aster Kidane  
